《The Housemaid's Secret》简介:
“Don’t go in the guest bedroom.” A shadow falls on Douglas Garrick’s face as he touches the door with his fingertips. “My wife… she’s very ill.” As he continues showing me their incredible penthouse apartment, I have a terrible feeling about the woman behind closed doors. But I can’t risk losing this job—not if I want to keep my darkest secret safe…
It’s hard to find an employer who doesn’t ask too many questions about my past. So I thank my lucky stars that the Garricks miraculously give me a job, cleaning their stunning penthouse with views across the city and preparing fancy meals in their shiny kitchen. I can work here for a while, stay quiet until I get what I want.
It’s almost perfect. But I still haven’t met Mrs Garrick, or seen inside the guest bedroom. I’m sure I hear her crying. I notice spots of blood around the neck of her white nightgowns when I’m doing laundry. And one day I can’t help but knock on the door. When it gently swings open, what I see inside changes everything…
That’s when I make a promise. After all, I’ve done this before. I can protect Mrs Garrick while keeping my own secrets locked up safe.
Douglas Garrick has done wrong. He is going to pay. It’s simply a question of how far I’m willing to go…
This absolutely explosive and shockingly twisty sequel to international bestseller The Housemaid will keep you racing through the pages late into the night. Anyone who loves The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose, The Woman in the Window and Gone Girl will be totally hooked! This book can also be enjoyed as a standalone.
《The Housemaid's Secret》摘录:
今夜,我逃不掉了。 闪电刺破黑暗,划亮小屋的客厅。今晚我一直待在这湖滨小屋里,没想到这里竟会成为我的葬身之地。闪电之后,我只能看清脚下的木地板,这一刻我想象自己倒在地板上,身下血如泉涌,鲜血摊成一个不规则的圆渗进地板;而我双眼圆睁,望向空中,嘴巴微张,一滴滴血从我的下巴流下。 不,不。 不该是今晚,不该这么快。 小屋又一次陷入黑暗,我胡乱摸索着四周,离开了让我稍有安全感的沙发。这场暴风雨来势汹汹,但应该还不至于断电,断电是因为有人做了手脚。 那个人今晚已经杀了一个人,而他下一个要杀的人就是我。 所有这些都始于一份不起眼的家政工作,而今晚,只有我血洗地板才能让这一切结束。 我在黑暗中等待,等下一个闪电再次照亮小屋。然后,我小心翼翼地向厨房那边移动。我还没想好该怎么办,但至少厨房里有一些刀叉可以防身。那儿有整张用来放刀具的台子,就算没那么多刀,叉子也能派上用场,但如果赤手空拳,我就只有死路一条。手里有刀,我活下来的机会就大一些。 厨房有一扇非常大的观景窗,这是小屋唯一有点儿光亮的地方。 我的瞳孔慢慢放大,试图尽可能地吸收光线。我朝着厨房料理台跌跌撞撞地摸过去,但是刚在油地毡上走了三步,我就滑倒在地,身体重重地摔在地板上,胳膊肘摔得很痛,痛到眼泪都流了出来。 其实,在这之前我眼里早就有泪了。 我挣扎着想站起来,但这时我才意识到厨房的地板是湿的。又是一条闪电,我低头看向手掌,被染得殷红,我不是被一摊水或是撒出来的牛奶绊倒的。 是血。 我在地上坐了一会儿,仔细检查我的身体,没有受伤的地方,也就是说这不是我的血。 不管怎么说,至少现在还不是。 快走,现在就走,这是我唯一的希望。 我终于站了起来,摸到了厨房料理台。手指碰到又凉又硬的台面时,我松了一口气,我在台子上摸索着刀具,但似乎怎么也找不到, 刀呢? 接着,我听到了脚步声,越来越近。四周又是漆黑一...