《The Housemaid》简介:

“Welcome to the family,” Nina Winchester says as I shake her elegant, manicured hand. I smile politely, gazing around the marble hallway. Working here is my last chance to start fresh. I can pretend to be whoever I like. But I’ll soon learn that the Winchesters’ secrets are far more dangerous than my own…

Every day I clean the Winchesters’ beautiful house top to bottom. I collect their daughter from school. And I cook a delicious meal for the whole family before heading up to eat alone in my tiny room on the top floor.

I try to ignore how Nina makes a mess just to watch me clean it up. How she tells strange lies about her own daughter. And how her husband Andrew seems more broken every day. But as I look into Andrew’s handsome brown eyes, so full of pain, it’s hard not to imagine what it would be like to live Nina’s life. The walk-in closet, the fancy car, the perfect husband.

I only try on one of Nina’s pristine white dresses once. Just to see what it’s like. But she soon finds out… and by the time I realize my attic bedroom door only locks from the outside, it’s far too late.

But I reassure myself: the Winchesters don’t know who I really am.

They don’t know what I’m capable of…

An unbelievably twisty read that will have you glued to the pages late into the night. Anyone who loves The Woman in the Window, The Wife Between Us and The Girl on the Train won’t be able to put this down!

《The Housemaid》摘录:

踏出房门,手必加铐。 刚才明明能趁机逃跑,但现在没戏了,警察已经到了,阁楼已经被发现了。我不知道他们在等什么,也许想诈我说出什么不该说的话? 那就祝他们好运吧。我坐在沙发上,旁边坐着一个警察,他的黑发中夹着白发,身材魁梧,肌肉结实。他在焦糖色的意大利皮沙发上挪了挪身子。我不知道他在想什么,也许是想到自己家里的沙发,也想要一个这样的沙发。 不过更可能是在想阁楼上那具死尸。 “再说一遍,”他操着一口纽约腔不紧不慢地说,“你是什么时候发现这具尸体的?” 我顿了一下。 “大约一小时前。”我说。 “当时为什么要上楼?” 我抿了一下嘴:“刚说过了,我听到有动静。” “还有呢?” 他往前探着身子瞪大双眼,下巴还有硬胡茬,就像早上没刮胡子一样,嘴巴微张露出舌头。我又不傻,知道他想听我说,“是我干的!我有罪!抓我走吧!” “没了,我就知道这么多。” 他失望地动了动下巴,应该是在盘算目前发现的这些证据能否把我铐上。 “嘿,康纳斯!” 是另一个警察在叫他。我抬头望向楼梯顶,一个年轻的警察站在那里,修长的手指握在栏杆上,脸上没有皱纹,脸色苍白。 “康纳斯,”那个年轻警察说,“你快上来一趟,看看上面有什么,隔着高高的楼梯我也看到了他说话时喉结一动一动的,“你绝对猜不到。”