《The Color Purple》简介:

Celie is a poor black woman whose letters tell the story of 20 years of her life, beginning at age 14 when she is being abused and raped by her father and attempting to protect her sister from the same fate, and continuing over the course of her marriage to "Mister," a brutal man who terrorizes her. Celie eventually learns that her abusive husband has been keeping her sister's letters from her and the rage she feels, combined with an example of love and independence provided by her close friend Shug, pushes her finally toward an awakening of her creative and loving self.

《The Color Purple》摘录:

天下万物都喜欢为人所爱。我们唱歌、跳舞、做鬼脸、送鲜花都是为了能叫人喜欢。 还是像莎格说的,你眼睛里没有了男人,你才能看到一切。 男人腐蚀一切,莎格说。他坐在你的粮食箱上,待在你的脑子里,收音机里。他要让你以为他无所不在。你相信他无所不在的话,你就会以为他就是上帝。可他不是。如果你在做祷告,而男人堂而皇之地一屁股坐下来接受你的祷告的话,你就叫他滚蛋,莎格说。你就用魔法召来花朵、风、水、大石头。 可是这很难办到。他在那座位上坐了很久,他不能动弹了。他用闪电、洪水和地震来威胁我。我们搏斗。我很少祷告。我每次想象出一块石头,就扔出去。