



The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.


1 English and Scottish Popular Ballads Lord Randal The Wife of Usher's Well The Three Ravens Sir Patrick Spens Robin Hood and the Widow's Three Sons
2 Edmund Spenser
3 Christopher Marlowe
4 William Shakespeare
5 Ben Jonson
6 The English Bible
7 Francis Bacon
8 John Donne
9 Andrew Marvell
10 John Milton
11 John Bunyan
12 John Dryden
13 Daniel Defoe
14 Jonathan Swift
15 William Congreve
16 Joseph Addison
17 John Gay
18 Alexander Pope
19 Samuel Johnson
20 Samuel Richardson
21 Henry Fielding
22 Laurence Sterne
23 Thomas Gray
24 Oliver Goldsmith
25 Richard Brinsley Sheridan
26 Edward Gibbon
27 William Blake
28 Robert Burns
29 William Wordsworth
30 Samuel Taylor Coleridge
31 Jane Austen
32 Sir Walter Scott
33 Charles Lamb
34 William Hazlitt
35 George Gordon, Lord Byron
36 Percy Bysshe Shelley
37 John Keats
38 William Cobbett
39 Alfred, Lord Tennyson
40 Robert Browning
41 Charles Dickens
42 William Makepeace Thackeray
43 Lewis Carroll
44 William Morris
45 Oscar Wilde
46 Thomas Hardy
47 George Bernard Shaw
48 William Butler Yeats
49 Lytton Strachey
50 Virginia Woolf
51 James Joyce
52 D.H.Lawrence
53 T.S.Eliot
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