《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》简介:

In one volume, the screenplays to two contemporary classics, directed by Richard Linklater, and starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, about the immediate and life-altering attraction between two strangers.

On a train from Budapest to Vienna, Jesse, a young American student, at the end of a romance and his European trip, meets Celine, a young French woman. They are immediately attracted. Despite knowing this may be the only time they will see each other, in the next few hours in the city of Vienna, they share everything and promise to meet again. Nearly a decade later, Jesse, now a novelist on a publicity tour, sees Celine in a bnookstore in Paris. Again their time is short, and they spend it reestablishing the connection they experienced on their first meeting. Romantic, poignant, understated, and often profound, these two screenplays are sure to become classics in their own right.

《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》摘录:

你有没有觉得,如果我们无欲无求,是不是就永远不会不开心 其实我也不知道,无欲无求……这个词本身难道不是用来描述沮丧的吗?有欲求,是人性的一部分 佛教徒就是这么说的不是吗?把自己从欲望中解脱出来,你会发现自己已经拥有了一切。 但当我自己有欲望的时候,而不仅仅只是生存,我会觉得自己更有人性。这种欲望——不管是对亲密的欲望,还是对一双新鞋的欲望——其实是很美的。我喜欢这种不断更新着的欲望 是啊……我猜欲望是有权利带来所有的这些痛苦吧。

《Before Sunrise & Before Sunset》目录:

Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
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