Sony Computer Entertainment America's Santa Monica Studio and thatgamecompany in collaboration with Bluecanvas are proud to bring you The Art of Journey, a behind-the-scenes exploration of the ideas and visual development that went into the critically-acclaimed video game. Written by Journey Art Director, Matt Nava, the book shows the stylistic influences, narrative devices and game design goals that made Journey what it is. Inside, readers will discover the thoughtful evolution of the Journey game's landscapes, cut-scenes, and much-loved robed traveler. The Art of Journey comes bound as a debossed, hardcover book filled with gorgeous concept art, intricate pencil drawings, and 3D models printed in full color on art-quality paper. Additionally, the book pushes the boundaries of traditional print with its "augmented reality" feature, powered by the Daqri 4D platform. By downloading the free companion app for Android and iOS devices readers will be able to point the camera of their sma