S. P. 铁摩辛柯(Stephen P. Timoshenko)是“工程力学之父”,他的杰出不仅在于他奠定了工程力学这门学科的基础,更在于他对工程、理论、实践的态度,以及他传奇的经历。本书是关于美国工程力学之父铁摩辛柯的回忆录,从生活和工作两个视角介绍铁摩辛柯。书中包含他对美国工科教育的评论,他强调数学对于工科的重要性,对于公式推导和工程实践至关重要。从铁摩辛柯的自传可以探索这样一位了不起的工程师的人生观,见微知著,如同抽丝剥茧一般。
After showing me around the lab, he suggested that we go for a drive through the city and look at some of the ancient buildings. I consented with pleasure, not dreaming that there was any risk involved. Von Karman, an inexperienced driver, drove very fast. I came through unscathed but later heard that he had had several accidents, once even snapped off the toll bar at the frontier between Germany and Holland. About ten years later I again had to ride in a car with him at the wheel. His driving had not improved. this situation was quite dangerous, for now we were not in Aachen but on crowded highway in Los Angeles. Fortunately there was a young American with us, who unceremoniously took over.