☆ 演员×剧作家×小说家 《吃鲷鱼让我打嗝》作者 杰西·艾森伯格 戏剧代表作
☆ 布兰奇与欧文·劳瑞基金会戏剧奖获奖作品
☆ 昆瑙·内亚(《生活大爆炸》)、安娜布尔纳·斯里拉姆(《至欢歌乃终曲》)、杰西·艾森伯格 (《社交网络》) 、迈克尔·泽根 (《了不起的麦瑟尔夫人》) 、艾琳·达克(《依然爱丽丝》) 主演同名舞台剧
☆ 内含11幅精美舞台剧照
BEN So marry ME, Sarah! How do you not like me? I'm so interesting! I'm interested in films, like you. And I know about art and being depressed and I'm comfortable with people from all over and I listen to rap and I'm hard to pin down! Marry Me! SARAH Ben, I like you, but I'm not marrying Teddy because he's interesting. BEN Obviously. SARAH I'm marrying him because I love him. BEN But what the fuck does that even mean? Why can't you love me? It's all just arbitrary! You love him/you love me/you love the Beatles/you hate the Beatles. It's all just fucking arbitrary! SARAH It's not just about sharing interests. If I wanted someone with my interests I would have married Jenny Greenfield, you remember her? BEN We had bio together. She had a lisp. SARAH But we had...
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