
萨特在书中设定主人公得了一种病症,并指出这种病症是每个人都可能得的,因此罗根了有时处在不适状态中而犯“恶心”,我们也可能犯“恶心”。罗根丁在搏斗,他企图摆脱他的真实存在,与过去的一个或某些艺术品、甚至一段爵士音乐(some of these days 这段时光的一瞬)来认同,去达到某种自由。这就是萨特在此书中所要表达的中心思想:“存在与自由”。


别将空无吹成神奇,这一点可要注意。我想这正是写日记的危险:夸大一切,时时窥探,不断歪曲真实。另一方面,当然我能随时找到前天的感觉——对这个墨水瓶盒或其他任何物体的感觉。我必须时刻准备好,不然这个感觉就会再次从我指缝间溜走。This is what I have to avoid, I must not put in strangeness where there is none. I think that is the big danger in keeping a diary: you exaggerate everything. You continually force the truth because you’re always looking for something. On the other hand, it is certain that from one minute to the next—and precisely a propos of this box or any other object at all can recapture this impression of day-before-yesterday. I must always be ready, otherwise it will slip through my fingers. I must never...but carefully note and detail all that happens.