《The Gay Science》简介:

Nietzsche called The Gay Science “the most personal of all my books.” It was here that he first proclaimed the death of God—to which a large part of the book is devoted—and his doctrine of the eternal recurrence.

Walter Kaufmann’s commentary, with its many quotations from previously untranslated letters, brings to life Nietzsche as a human being and illuminates his philosophy. The book contains some of Nietzsche’s most sustained discussions of art and morality, knowledge and truth, the intellectual conscience and the origin of logic.

Most of the book was written just before Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the last part five years later, after Beyond Good and Evil. We encounter Zarathustra in these pages as well as many of Nietzsche’s most interesting philosophical ideas and the largest collection of his own poetry that he himself ever published.

Walter Kaufmann’s English versions of Nietzsche represent one of the major translation enterprises of our time. He is the first philosopher to have translated Nietzsche’s major works, and never before has a single translator given us so much of Nietzsche.

《The Gay Science》摘录:

你们是否听说有个疯子,他在大白天手提灯笼,跑到市场上,一个劲儿地呼喊:“我找上帝!我找上帝!”那里恰巧聚集着一群不信上帝的人,于是他招来一阵哄笑。 其中一个问,上帝失踪了吗?另一个问,上帝像小孩迷路了吗?或者他躲起来了?他害怕我们?乘船走了?流亡了?那拨人就如此这般又嚷又笑,乱作一团。 疯子跃入他们之中,瞪着两眼,死死盯着他们看,嚷道:“上帝哪儿去了?让我们告诉你们吧!是我们把他杀了!是你们和我杀的!咱们大伙儿全是凶手!我们是怎么杀的呢?我们怎能把海水喝干呢?谁给我们海绵,把整个世界擦掉呢?我们把地球从太阳的锁链下解放出来,再怎么办呢?地球运动到哪里去呢?我们运动到哪里去呢?离开所有的太阳吗?我们会一直坠落下去吗?我们是否会像穿过无穷的虚幻那样迷路呢?那个空虚的空间是否会向我们哈气呢?现在是不是变冷了?是不是一直是黑夜,更多的黑夜?在白天是否必须点燃灯笼?我们还没有听到埋葬上帝的掘墓人的吵闹吗?我们难道没有闻到上帝的腐臭吗?【上帝也会腐臭啊!上帝死了!永远死了!是咱们把他杀死的!】我们,最残忍的凶手,如何自慰呢?那个至今拥有整个世界的至圣至强者竟在我们的刀下流血!谁能揩掉我们身上的血迹?用什么水可以清洗我们自身?我们必须发明什么样的赎罪庆典和神圣游戏呢?这伟大的业绩对于我们是否过于伟大?我们自己是否必须变成上帝,以便显出上帝的尊严而抛头露面?从未有过比这更伟大的业绩,因此,我们的后代将生活在比至今一切历史都要高尚的历史中!” 疯子说到这里打止了,他举目四望听众,听众默然,异样地瞧他。终于,他把灯笼摔在地上,灯破火熄,继而又说:“我来得太早,来得不是时候,这件惊人的大事还在半途上走着哩,它还没有灌进人的耳朵哩。雷电需要时间,星球需要时间,凡大事都需要时间。即使完成了大事,人们听到和看到大事也需要假以时日。这件大事还远着呢!比最远的星球还远,但是,总有...