Categories: 社会哲学

The Confucian-Legalist State

In the The Confucian-Legalist State, Dingxin Zhao offers a radically new analysis of Chinese imperial history from the eleventh century BCE to the fall of the Qing dynasty. This study first uncovers the factors that explain how, and why, China developed into a bureaucratic empire under the Qin dynasty in 221 BCE. It then examines the political system that crystallized during the Western Han dynasty, a system that drew on China's philosophical traditions of Confucianism and Legalism. Despite great changes in China's demography, religion, technology, and socioeconomic structures, this Confucian-Legalist political system survived for over two millennia. Yet, it was precisely because of the system's resilience that China, for better or worse, did not develop industrial capitalism as Western Europe did, notwithstanding China's economic prosperity and technological sophistication beginning with the Northern Song dynasty.

In examining the nature of this political system, Zhao offers a new way of viewing Chinese history, one that emphasizes the importance of structural forces and social mechanisms in shaping historical dynamics. As a work of historical sociology, The Confucian-Legalist State aims to show how the patterns of Chinese history were not shaped by any single force, but instead by meaningful activities of social actors which were greatly constrained by, and at the same time reproduced and modified, the constellations of political, economic, military, and ideological forces. This book thus offers a startling new understanding of long-term patterns of Chinese history, one that should trigger debates for years to come among historians, political scientists, and sociologists.


同蒂利(Charles Tilly)一致,本书将“国家”定义为“一种与家庭和亲缘团体不同,且在某些方面明显强于其实际领土内所有其他组织的强制性组织”。本书对“帝国”定义的使用则更具限制,它指的是一种对许多都城中心和巨大内陆腹地实行统治的前现代农业国家,帝国有效的将其统治的法律适用于不同的族群,而且由于在前现代社会中,国家的基础能力有限,帝国仅能对地方群落和边境地区实施间接统治。


我在本书的写作中,亦是为了通过在迈克尔·曼(Michael Mann)的韦伯式理论中引入竞争和冲突的逻辑来发展一种解释历史变迁的理论:通过整合结构性分析和以机制为基础的解释,并且将历史时间性作为一个关键组成部分引入本书的叙述、说明和解释当中,以此寻求建构出一种新的社会学研究。


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