The Pursuit of INequality is an important anti-liberal (in the classical liberal sense of that term) work that deserves close examination. For one thing, Green is a thoroughgoing and consistent egalitarian. He recognizes, as few leftist egalitarians do, that if we are to have ''equality of outcomes,'' we cannot have ''equality of opportunity.'' As Green points out, ''The two aspects of liberal individualism that will be discussed—the principle of equal opportunity for individuals and the principle of limiting government interference with the 'free' market—might at first glance seem unrelated to each other; certainly many people who uphold the first of those principles would repudiate the second unqualifiedly. But in practical fact they are deeply related.'' Green at least has the courage t...
第1篇 引言第一部分:理论第2篇 自由正解第3篇 对个人主义的曲解第4篇 辨析权利理论第5篇 “不许退出”引起的正义问题第6篇 评论G.A.柯亨关于自我所有权、财产权和平等的观点第7篇 关于市场的二十个误区第8篇 为自由意志论正名第9篇 制度和法律在经济发展中的作用第二部分:历史第10篇 古典自由主义与公民社会第11篇 伟大的遗产第12篇 千年来争取自由的标志性事件第三部分:实践第13篇 全球化与文化:同质性、多样性、同一性、自由第四部分:书作与观念第14篇 平等主义就是精英主义第15篇 评《关于国家主义》第16篇 批评者眼中的自由意志论第17篇 对约翰·洛克的篡改:“左派自由意志论者”的怪论
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