



Much of the moral fervor behind the drive for equality of outcome comes from the widespread belief that it is not fair that some children should have a great advantage over others simply because they happen to have wealthy parents. Of course it is not fair. However, unfairness can take many forms. It can take the form of the inheritance of property—bonds and stocks, houses, factories; it can also take the form of the inheritance of talent—musical ability, strength, mathematical genius. The inheritance of property can be interfered with more readily than the inheritance of talent. But from an ethical point of view, is there any difference between the two? Yet many people resent the inheritance of property but not the inheritance of talent.


推荐序 作为目的和手段的自由
引言 / / 1
第1章 市场的力量 / / 10
第2章 管理的专横 / / 39
第3章 危机的解析 / / 70
第4章 从摇篮到坟墓 / / 90
第5章 生而平等 / / 127
第6章 我们的学校出了什么问题 / / 149
第7章 谁在保护消费者 / / 192
第8章 谁在保护工人 / / 234
第9章 通货膨胀的对策 / / 254
第10章 潮流在转变 / / 286
附录A 1928年的社会党纲领 / / 315
附录B 限制联邦政府支出的修正案草案 / / 318
译后记  / / 321
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