《The Complete Yes Minister》简介:
We have had diaries from other Cabinet Ministers, but none I think which have been quite so illuminating… It is a fascinating diary… It is shorter than Barbara Castle's… and although it is rather more accurate than Dick Crossman's, it is distinctly funnier' – Lord Allen of Abbeydale (formerly Permanent Secretary at the Home Office) in The Times 'It has an entertainment and educational value which is unique. It is uproariously funny and passes the acid test of becoming more amusing at every subsequent reading… I will go so far as to claim that in the characters of Jim Hacker and Sir Humphrey Appleby, Messrs Lynn and Jay have created something as immortal as P.G. Wodehouse's Bertie Wooster and Jeeves' – Brian Walden in The Standard
《The Complete Yes Minister》摘录:
”您相当有本事把事情弄得莫名其妙,大臣,“我的嘴巴肯定张得特大,因为他继续说道,”我这话是赞美,我向您保证。把事情搞模糊是大臣的基本功之一。“ ”请你告诉他其他的是什么。“我冷冷地回答。 他不假思索地就给我开列出来。”拖延决定,回避问题,谎报数据,歪曲事实和掩盖错误。“