全世界只有万分之零点一二的人会在36岁前患上肺癌,保罗·卡拉尼什(Paul Kalanithi)是其中之一。当你读到这本书时,他已经不在人世。保罗曾获得过美国斯坦福大学英语文学及人体生物学双料学位,并于英国剑桥大学获得科学史与哲学研究硕士学位,以优异成绩获得美国耶鲁大学医学博士学位,即将获得斯坦福医学院外科教授职位并主持自己的研究室。2013年,即将抵达人生巅峰的保罗,忽然被诊断出患有第四期肺癌。自此,他开始以医生和患者的双重身份,记录自己的余生,反思医疗与人性。他的文章刊登在《纽约时报》《华盛顿邮报》等媒体,获得了全球读者关注。本书文笔优美,诚挚感人,书里有着对人性、生死、医疗的深沉思索,让全球无数读者为之动容。
…… indeed , this is how 99 percent of people select their jobs : pay , work environment , hours But thats the point Put , ting lifestyle first is how you find a job - not a calling ) …… . And as I sat there . I realized that the questions intersecting life , death , and meaning , questions that all people face at some point usually arise in a medical context . In the actual situations where one encounters these questions , it becomes a necessarily philosophical and biological exercise . Humans are organisms , subject to physical laws , including ,alas , the one that says entropy always increases . Diseases are molecules misbehaving ; the basic requirement of life is metabolism , and death its cessation. While all doctors treat diseases , neurosurgeons work in the crucible of identity : e...
我虽死去——代译序 / 001
与保罗的无限对话 / 013
英文版序言 / 023
序幕 / 001
Part. 1
当我身强体健时 / 017
Part. 2
至死方休 / 103
后记 / 179
致谢 / 205
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