《Creating Dynamic UI with Android Fragments》简介:

To create a dynamic and multi-pane user interface on Android, you need to encapsulate UI components and activity behaviors into modules that you can swap into and out of your activities. You can create these modules with the fragment class, which behaves somewhat like a nested activity that can define its own layout and manage its own lifecycle. When a fragment specifies its own layout, it can be configured in different combinations with other fragments inside an activity to modify your layout configuration for different screen sizes (a small screen might show one fragment at a time, but a large screen can show two or more).

Creating Dynamic UI with Android Fragments shows you how to create modern Android applications that meet the high expectations of today’s users. You will learn how to incorporate rich navigation features like swipe-based screen browsing and how to create adaptive UIs that ensure your application looks fantastic whether run on a low cost smartphone or the latest tablet.

This book looks at the impact fragments have on Android UI design and their role in both simplifying many common UI challenges and providing new ways to incorporate rich UI behaviors.

You will learn how to use fragments to create UIs that automatically adapt to device differences. We look closely at the roll of fragment transactions and how to work with the Android back stack. Leveraging this understanding, we then explore several specialized fragment-related classes like ListFragment and DialogFragment as well as rich navigation features like swipe-based screen browsing.

《Creating Dynamic UI with Android Fragments》目录:

Chapter 1: Fragments and UI Modularization
Chapter 2: Fragments and UI Flexibility
Chapter 3: Fragment Lifecycle and Specialization
Chapter 4: Working with Fragment Transactions
Chapter 5: Creating Rich Navigation with Fragments
Chapter 1: Fragments and UI Modularization
The need for a new approach to UI creation
The broad platform support of fragments
Fragments simplify common Android tasks
The relationship between fragments and activities
Making the shift to fragments
The old thinking – activity-oriented
Defining the activity appearance
Displaying the activity UI
The new thinking – fragment-oriented
Creating the fragment layout resources
Creating the Fragment class
Converting the activity to use fragments
Chapter 2: Fragments and UI Flexibility
Creating UI flexibility
Dynamic fragment layout selection
Adding an alternate layout resource
Managing fragment layout by screen size
Eliminating redundancy
Design fragments for flexibility
Avoiding tight coupling
Abstracting fragment relationships
Encapsulating fragment operations
Loosely connecting the pieces
Fragments protect against the unexpected
Evolving layout resource files
Creating the book description activity
Making the MainActivity class adaptive
Chapter 3: Fragment Lifecycle and Specialization
Understanding the fragment lifecycle
Understanding fragment setup and display
Avoiding method name confusion
Understanding fragment hide and teardown
Maximizing available resources
Managing a fragment state
Special purpose fragment classes
Associating data with the list
Separating data from display
DialogFragment display
Event handling
Dialog identity
Chapter 4: Working with Fragment Transactions
Intentional screen management
Dynamically managing fragments
Deferred execution of transaction changes
Adding and removing fragments
Supporting the back button
Creating an adaptive application layout
Updating the layout to support dynamic fragments
Adapting to device differences
Dynamically loading a fragment at startup
Transitioning between fragments
Eliminating redundant handling
Creating the fragment on-the-fly
Managing asynchronous creation
Putting it all together
Chapter 5: Creating Rich Navigation with Fragments
A brave new world
Making navigation fun with swipe
Implementing swipe navigation
Managing the swipe fragments
Putting the swipe UI into place
Android Studio and swipe navigation
Improving navigation with the ActionBar
Navigating randomly with tabs
Managing tab selection
Connecting the fragments to the tabs
Providing direct access with drop-down list navigation
Managing fragment selection
Providing the navigation choices
Android Studio and drop-down list navigation
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