《Vue.js in Action》简介:

Web pages are rich with data and graphics, and it's challenging to maintain a smooth and quick user experience. Vue.js in Action teaches you how to build a fast, flowing web UI with the Vue.js framework. As you move through the book, you'll put your skills to practice by building a complete web store application with product listings, a checkout process, and an administrative interface.

《Vue.js in Action》目录:

Part 1. Getting to know Vue.js
1. Introducing Vue.js
2. The Vue instance
Part 2. The View and ViewModel
3. Adding interactivity
4. Forms and inputs
5. Conditionals, looping, and lists
6. Working with components
7. Advanced components and routing
8. Transitions and animations
9. Extending Vue
Part 3. Modeling data, consuming APIs, and testing
10. Vuex
11. Communicating with a server
12. Testing
A. Setting up your environment
B. Solutions to chapter exercises
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