《Getting Real》简介:

Getting Real details the business, design, programming, and marketing principles of 37signals. The book is packed with keep-it-simple insights, contrarian points of view, and unconventional approaches to software design. This is not a technical book or a design tutorial, it's a book of ideas. Anyone working on a web app – including entrepreneurs, designers, programmers, executives, or marketers – will find value and inspiration in this book. 37signals used the Getting Real process to launch five successful web-based applications (Basecamp, Campfire, Backpack, Writeboard, Ta-da List), and Ruby on Rails, an open-source web application framework, in just two years with no outside funding, no debt, and only 7 people (distributed across 7 time zones). Over 500,000 people around the world use these applications to get things done. Now you can find out how they did it and how you can do it too. It's not as hard as you think if you Get Real.

《Getting Real》摘录:

http://gettingreal.37signals.com/GR_chn.php#ch03 质量会由于以下因素增加: 长期合同 多余的职员 固执的决策 关于会议的会议 厚重的流程 存货(物理的或者头脑的) 硬件,软件和技术的锁定 专有数据格式 未来被过去支配 长期的路线图 办公室政治 质量会由于以下因素减少: 必要而及时的思考 多面手的团队成员 拥抱限制,而不是试着移除他们 更少的软件,更少的代码 更少的特征 小规模团队 简单 被拆分为正交的接口 开源产品 开放的文件格式 开放的文化,使承认错误更容易