《中国的大企业:烟草工业中的中外竞争(1890-1930)》主要内容包括:中外商业竞争 渗透中国市场、商业竞争的开始、 合并的动机、五四运动时期的商战、战后的黄金时代、商业与政治等等。
imperialist exploitation or economic nationalism? Five categories 1. The first category concerns investment. Was a foreign company imperialistic in the sense that it drained revenue out of a poor country for use in its home country or did it make investment that contributed to the poor country's welfare? Was a local company nationalistic in the sense that it relied only on capital invested by local people or was it financially dependent on foreign investors? 2. The second category concerns relations between management and labor. Was a foreign company imperialistic in the sense that it paid its workers and the prices that it paid peasants for raw materials higher than those paid by its local competitors? Was a local company nationalistic in the sense that it was identified with anti-foreig...
原编者导言 致谢
第一章 导言:中外商业竞争
第二章 渗透中国市场
第三章 商业竞争的开始
第四章 合并的动机
第五章 五四运动时期的商战
第六章 战后的黄金时代
第七章 商业与政治
第八章 结语:帝国主义、民族主久与企业家精神
附录:统计表 参考书目
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