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喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 1

good morning, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:

its a great honor to stand here. my topic is: the color of where we live.

i once read a poem, which greatly shocked me. let me share it with you: “chimneys have grown into forests; armored concrete blocks our view; there is no longer green within sight. where is the clear sky? where is the blue sea? where is the fresh air?”

i remember, when i was a child, there was a yard behind my house. i used to sit with my grandma under a big tree. in the tree, birds were chirping and dancing happily and freely. with grandma’s soft cradlesongs and birds’ singing, i would quickly fall into a sleep of sweet dreams. at that time the sky was so blue and clear. at night, twinkling stars dotted the sky. the verdant leaves and their fragrance impressed me so much that i still have a clear picture of them in my mind even today.

but now i can hardly hear a bird sing, the fragrance can only be found in the depths of my memory, and stars have hidden themselves behind gray buildings and even the sky is gray. i dont know when things began to change. but what i do know is that pollution and waste disposal have presented serious challenges to our society. environmental pollution is just like pandoras bo, and we are the victims.

we must do something to change this terrible condition. hosting the beijing olympics gives us a great opportunity to show the world it can be done. “green olympics”, one of the three basic themes of beijing olympic games, is our promise to the world that we will work towards cleaning up our environment.

therefore every one of us should take some practical actions. you might say, “but i am just an ordinary citizen. what can i do? i have no responsibility.” but in my opinion, we can start with small things like our daily routine, such as not to litter, avoid using disposable food containers, cups and chopsticks, save every drop of water and so on. we must always remember that it is necessary for everyone to participate in order to save our planet.

remember green is the color of life, green is the color of nature, and green is the color of the world. green will be a symbol of beijing in the near future! let us work together and keep green alive forever!

thank you.

喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 2

Dear friends,

Today, I am filled with excitement and pride to stand here and talk about the upcoming Olympics.

The Olympics is not just a sports event; it is a celebration of unity, friendship, and the spirit of competition. It brings together athletes from all over the world, regardless of their nationality, race, or background. They come to showcase their skills, to challenge their limits, and to inspire us with their determination and courage.

As we anticipate this grand event, we feel a sense of hope and anticipation. It is a time when we come together as a global community, united by our love for sports and the pursuit of excellence.

Let us welcome the Olympics with open arms, with enthusiasm and joy. Let us show the world our hospitality and our spirit of sportsmanship. Let us cheer for the athletes, celebrate their achievements, and be inspired by their stories of perseverance and victory.

In conclusion, let us look forward to a successful and memorable Olympics that will leave a lasting impression on all of us.

Thank you!

喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 3

Good morning, everyone!

The Olympic Games are approaching, and the excitement is palpable. The Olympics is a symbol of hope, a stage for dreams, and a showcase of human potential.

It is a platform where athletes strive for glory, representing not only themselves but also their countries. Their dedication, hard work, and sacrifice inspire us to reach for our own goals, no matter how challenging they may seem.

The Olympics also promotes cultural exchange and understanding among nations. It allows us to appreciate the diversity and commonalities of the world, fostering a sense of unity and global citizenship.

As we await the start of this magnificent event, let us prepare ourselves to embrace the spirit of the Olympics. Let us encourage one another to be active, to pursue our passions, and to believe in the power of unity and sportsmanship.

Lets welcome the Olympics with open hearts and minds, ready to be part of this global celebration of humanity.

Thank you!

喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 4

Dear all,

The Olympics is just around the corner, and it brings with it a wave of enthusiasm and anticipation.

The Olympics is more than just a competition; it is a celebration of human achievement and the power of the human spirit. It showcases the best of sportsmanship, teamwork, and individual excellence.

When we think of the Olympics, we think of athletes who have spent years training, sacrificing, and persevering. They are the embodiment of determination and the pursuit of greatness.

This event also unites people from all walks of life. It breaks down barriers and builds bridges of friendship and cooperation.

As we look forward to the Olympics, let us vow to support the athletes, to celebrate their efforts, and to use the spirit of the Olympics to make our own lives more meaningful and fulfilling.

Lets get ready to cheer, to inspire, and to be inspired by this wonderful event.

Thank you!

喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 5

Hello, dear friends!

The arrival of the Olympics is a moment of great excitement and anticipation for the entire world.

The Olympics is a festival of sports, a showcase of talent, and a testament to the indomitable human spirit. It is a time when the world comes together to witness the best of athleticism and the pursuit of excellence.

The athletes who participate in the Olympics are not just competitors; they are heroes who inspire us with their stories of dedication, discipline, and the will to overcome obstacles.

Moreover, the Olympics promotes peace, unity, and mutual understanding among nations. It is a platform where differences are set aside and common goals are pursued.

Let us welcome the Olympics with optimism and hope. Let us celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship and the values it represents. Let us come together to enjoy this global spectacle and be inspired to create a better world through the power of sports.

Thank you!

喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 6

Dear friends,

The upcoming Olympics is a cause for celebration and joy.

The Olympics is a stage where dreams come true, where records are broken, and where new stars are born. It is a source of inspiration for millions of people around the globe.

The spirit of the Olympics lies in the pursuit of excellence, the respect for opponents, and the celebration of diversity. It teaches us that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.

As we prepare to witness this great event, let us fill our hearts with enthusiasm and optimism. Let us show our support for the athletes and the Olympic ideals.

Let the Olympics be a reminder of our shared humanity and our common pursuit of a better world through sports.

Thank you!

喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 7

Dear friends,

Today, I am filled with excitement and pride to stand here and talk about the upcoming Olympic Games. The Olympics is not just a sports event; it is a celebration of unity, excellence, and the spirit of competition that brings the world together.

The Olympic Games represent the pursuit of human excellence. Athletes from all over the world train for years, sacrificing their time and effort, to reach the pinnacle of their sports. Their dedication and determination inspire us to strive for our best in everything we do.

It is also a platform for cultural exchange. When people from different countries and backgrounds come together, we share our stories, our traditions, and our hopes. We learn to appreciate and respect each others differences, fostering a sense of global unity.

As we await the Olympics, let us come together with open hearts and minds. Let us support the athletes, celebrate their achievements, and embrace the values that the Olympics stand for. Let us show the world that we are a community that values friendship, fairness, and the pursuit of excellence.

Let us welcome the Olympics with joy and anticipation, knowing that it will be a time of inspiration and unity for us all.

Thank you!

喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 8

Dear fellow citizens,

The Olympic Games are approaching, and the atmosphere of excitement and anticipation is palpable. This grand event is more than just a competition; it is a symbol of hope, unity, and the indomitable human spirit.

The Olympics inspire us to dream big. It shows us that with hard work, perseverance, and a passion for our goals, anything is possible. The athletes who will step onto the Olympic stage are living proof of this. They have overcome countless obstacles and challenges to be there, and their stories of courage and determination motivate us to never give up on our own dreams.

It also promotes peace and understanding among nations. In a world often divided by differences, the Olympics provides a common ground where people can come together, forget their differences, and celebrate the power of sports.

As we look forward to the Olympics, let us embrace the spirit of unity and sportsmanship. Let us encourage our athletes and show the world the warmth and hospitality of our nation. Let us use this opportunity to build bridges of friendship and create a better world through the power of sports.

Let the Olympic flame ignite our hearts with passion and hope. Let us celebrate this global festival of sports with joy and enthusiasm.

Thank you!

喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 9

Dear friends,

The countdown to the Olympics has begun, and the world is getting ready to witness yet another spectacular display of athletic prowess and sportsmanship. As we await this great event, our hearts are filled with enthusiasm and anticipation.

The Olympics is a stage where dreams are realized and heroes are made. It is a platform for athletes to showcase their years of training and dedication. Their stories of sacrifice and hard work inspire us to reach for the stars and never give up on our goals.

It is not only about the athletes; it is about the entire community coming together. We prepare by promoting sports in our schools and neighborhoods, encouraging young and old alike to stay active and healthy. We create an environment that values physical fitness and the spirit of competition.

Lets also use this opportunity to show the world our hospitality and kindness. Lets welcome athletes and visitors from all over with open arms and make their stay a memorable one.

As we prepare for the Olympics, lets embrace the spirit of unity and friendship. Lets celebrate the diversity and commonality that the Olympics represents. Lets get ready to cheer, to inspire, and to be inspired.

Thank you!

喜迎奥运的英语演讲稿 10

Hello, dear friends!

The Olympic Games are on the horizon, and its a moment of immense excitement and joy for the entire world. The Olympics is more than just a series of sports competitions; its a global festival that unites people from every corner of the planet.

The beauty of the Olympics lies in its ability to break down barriers and bring people together. Athletes from different countries, speaking different languages, and representing different cultures come together to compete in the spirit of fair play and mutual respect. Its a reminder that we are all part of one human family.

As we look forward to the opening ceremony and the thrilling events that will follow, lets take this opportunity to celebrate the values that the Olympics stand for – excellence, friendship, and respect. Lets encourage our athletes to give their best and show the world the true meaning of sportsmanship.

Lets also use this occasion to promote peace and harmony. Let the Olympic Games be a source of inspiration for us all to work towards a better world, where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams and where unity and cooperation prevail.

With great anticipation and a spirit of celebration, lets welcome the Olympics and make it a memorable event for generations to come.

Thank you!


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