Categories: 日记周记




Life is short and long. I can’t remember the faces of most of the teachers who have lived for decades. The only thing that is clear is that they have appeared in my life.

小学的时候有位班主任姓陶,她身材偏瘦,说话庄严而认真,每次同她说话都会有一种难以言说的莫明紧张感,因此时隔多年她仍然令我印象深刻。 她常常对我们说:“我教过大学,还教过高中,也教过初中,现在教小学,我连高中生心里在想什么都知道的一清二楚,所以你们心里的那点儿小心思根本瞒不住我。”这听起来有些挑衅的话语让我们坐立不安,感到阵阵的紧张,所以我们畏惧陶老师,不仅仅是她那严肃的话语,更多的是那从师多年所特有的气势。

When I was in primary school, there was a head teacher named Tao. She was thin and spoke solemnly and seriously. Every time I talked with her, I felt a kind of unexplained tension. So she still impressed me after many years. She often said to us, “I have taught in college, high school and junior high school. Now I teach in primary school. I know exactly what’s going on in the minds of senior high school students, so you can’t hide that little careful thinking from me.” It sounds like some provocative words make us fidgety and nervous. Therefore, we are afraid of teacher Tao, not only her serious words, but also her unique momentum for many years.


In the sixth grade of primary school, I changed my head teacher and school. I said goodbye to Mr. Tao and welcomed Mr. Fang. Before that, I had been a scum, and the sudden arrival of Mr. Fang seemed to reverse this phenomenon. My position was shifted to the center of the third row, because I was very close to the teacher, so I dare not be lazy. Gradually my performance improved, especially when I got more than 90 marks in the Chinese test (not easy for the learning slag), and my math score improved a lot. I was ecstatic and kept this score until graduation (not easy for the learning slag). Later, although sometimes I will be lazy without homework, but learning seems not as difficult as I thought.


Mr. Tao is still Mr. Tao. He is in his thirties. He has a slight fat body and wears red framed glasses. He stays in memory


The teachers on the way of life, some of them make you afraid of three points, some of them make you very grateful, some of them make you feel thousands of emotions. Anyway, thank the teachers on my way to life, thank them for watering my life.


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