今天,风和日丽,我和妈妈去河堤上放风筝。放风筝得人可真多啊!天空中飘着各式各样的风筝,有人见人爱的喜洋洋,有魅力四射的蝴蝶,有漂亮的美人鱼,还有神奇的`飞机……它们好像在天上在比赛看谁飞得高呢! 我赶紧把我的老鹰风筝放飞到天空中。看!我的风筝飞得多高啊!
Today, it’s sunny. My mother and I went to fly kites on the river bank. There are so many people flying kites! There are all kinds of kites in the sky, some people love them, some attractive butterflies, some beautiful mermaids, some magical airplanes… They seem to be competing in the sky to see who flies high! I quickly put my Eagle wind Zheng into the sky. Look! How high my kite flies!