Categories: 日记周记




”What will you have tonight?” “Boiled shrimps。” “Oh, great。” I cried happily。 I like shrimp the most, because shrimp chews in the mouth soft, tender tender, the taste is very delicious。


Mother first put the seasoning of shrimp into the pot and set it on fire。 Then look at the shrimp in the pool。 They are blue and transparent。 Some of them can see the black line on their back。 One swims leisurely, they don’t know what will happen。 When the water boiled, my mother fished out the shrimps and poured them into the pot。 She only heard the sound of “hiss”。 The blue shrimps just turned red in a blink of an eye。 It’s strange。 Can shrimps change like monkey king? I use chopsticks to hold the shrimp and look at it。 The whole shrimp only has a white belly。 What’s the matter? I must find out。


After dinner, I found the secret of shrimp turning from green to red on the Internet。 It turns out that the shell of shrimp is green。 When it is put into the pot, most of the pigment will decompose when it encounters high temperature。 Only the astaxanthin in the body of shrimp is not afraid of high temperature and will not decompose, but will show a bright red color。 So the cooked shrimp becomes more bright red。


”At last I understand。” I can’t help but say, “it turns out that it’s the same thing for a cooked crab to wear an infrared cover as for a shrimp。”。 “There are many mysteries in life, you can find them as long as you pay attention to them,” said mother。 Mother’s words are very reasonable。 I secretly thought in my heart that I would carefully and carefully observe the changes of plants and trees around me in the future, and get unexpected results。


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