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  星期六早上,我怀着激动的心情和妈妈一起去菜市场买蔬菜。菜市场的蔬菜真多呀!有紫莹莹的茄子,有金灿灿的豆芽,还有绿油油的’黄瓜,数不胜数。我看的眼花缭乱。然后我和妈妈去问了菠菜的价格是4元一斤,买好菠菜我们看到旁边有一个形状像老鼠一样的胡萝卜,我喜欢极了就让妈妈买了下来。 这次买菜让我有了很大的收获。这让我学会了菜的名称又让我学会了很多知识。

  On Saturday morning, I went to the vegetable market with my mother to buy vegetables。 There are so many vegetables in the market! There are purple eggplants, golden bean sprouts, and green cucumbers。 I was dazzled。 Then my mother and I went to ask the price of spinach is 4 yuan a Jin。 After buying spinach, we saw a carrot with the shape of a mouse beside it。 I liked it so much that my mother bought it。 I got a lot from buying vegetables this time。 This let me learn the name of the dish and let me learn a lot of knowledge。