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  下午,我和妈妈去图书馆。在路上,阳光特别刺眼,我只好用书遮着阳光。到了图书馆,我把书还了后,就很快自己借了《方方圆圆》和《奇怪的病号》,两本书很有意思,《方方和圆圆》有许多精 彩的’故事,《奇怪的病号》里都是我爱看的小动物的故事。我借好书后,又在那看了一会儿漫画,就和妈妈高兴地回家了。

  In the afternoon, my mother and I went to the library。 On the way, the sun was so dazzling that I had to cover it with books。 When I got to the library, I returned the book and borrowed Fang Fang and Yuan Yuan and strange sick number。 They are very interesting。 Fang Fang and Yuan have many wonderful stories。 Strange sick number is the story of the little animals I love to watch。 After I borrowed the book, I read the cartoon for a while, and then I went home happily with my mother。