Categories: 日记周记




Today, after school, I suddenly started to learn how to stir fry, so I went home and did my homework. I asked my father, “can you teach me how to stir fry?” “Well, good.” Dad readily agreed. My father and I came to the kitchen, I can’t wait to turn on the gas, red, orange, green, blue, four color flame around the pot, and when the pot is hot, I will throw the powder into it, but when I take the spatula and start to fry, I find that the surface of the powder under has been pasted, and the pot is still stuck, bad! I thought: why do you stick the pot? I took a close look. “No oil!” I hurriedly picked up the oil bottle and poured oil into it. As a result, I confiscated it and poured more oil. I thought: forget it, when there is more, there will be more! I started to stir fry the flour. At this time, I thought of the chef in the TV. I took the pot and turned it over. So I learned this. As a result, I turned it over a few times. One seventh of the flour was spilled out. Hey, don’t learn it. It’s getting worse.


I summed up the lesson just now and began to stir fry carefully. After a while, I put a series of seasonings such as salt, chicken essence, spicy fresh, bean sauce and so on. I thought: soy sauce was put in the snacks outside. So I also put soy sauce, did not fry for a while, then think; OK! He took one with his chopsticks and tasted it. “Why is the taste so light? Not enough seasoning? ” Another one was tasted. “It’s delicious!” After thinking about it, it turns out that the seasoning is not well mixed. I can’t help it. Then stir fry it! Stir fry – stir fry, after a few minutes, finally stir fry.


I tasted it. It’s delicious, and I have a sense of achievement. This should be the taste of harvest after hard work!


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