

1.nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.天下无难事,世上无难事。

2.on life’s earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail.生活在坚强不屈作战中,仅有每日不折不挠奋勇前进的优秀人才能获得胜利。

3.perseverance is falling nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.只需坚强不屈,失败十九次以后,第二十次便会取得成功。

4.poverty is not a shame, but the being ashamed of it is.贫困非屈辱 耻贫乃耻。

5.prosperity is not without many fears and disasters, adversity is not without comforts and hopes.好运中并不是不搀杂各种各样担忧与苦恼,而厄运中也并不是不会有高兴与期待。

6.strength alone knows conflict, weakness is below even defeat, and is born vanquished. 仅有强者才明白抗争;弱小乃至失败都不足资质,反而是天生是被吸引的。

7.the darkest hour is that before the dawn.黎明之前最黑喑。

8.the drop of rain makes a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by of falling.雨珠穿石,并不是靠蛮干,反而是靠坚持不懈。

9.the horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargement of the heart.生活的黎明时分是伴随着内心的宽阔而越来越开阔的。

10.a man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.一个人可以失败很多次,可是只需他沒有逐渐指责别人,他还没有一个失败者。

11.a strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.强者能共命运的飓风抗争。

12.a thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.书山有路,始于足下。

13.all that you do, do with your might; things done by halves are never done right.做一切事儿都应量力而行,不能急于求成。

14.do nor for one repulse, for go the purpose that you resolved to effort.不必由于一次挫败就离开你原先信心要到达的总体目标。

15.for all pain helps to make us rise, however much we may hate it at the time.一切痛楚都有利于大家奋发图强,无论大家那时候是多么的憎恶它。

16.fortune shows her power when there is no wise preparation for resisting her.沒有向运势抗争的聪明提前准备,运势便会表明其杀伤力。

17.good courage breaks bad luck.胆量可以更改厄运。

18.great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.伟业成于不屈不挠,无论能量尺寸。

19.he who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁抓住机遇,谁就事事顺心。

20.hope for the best and prepare for the worst.抱最好是的期待 做最坏的大算。

22.man errs as long as he strives.过失是奋发进取的成本。

23.man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 识时务者为俊杰,水往低处流。

24.no road of flowers lead to glory.沒有一条通向荣耀的路面是铺满鲜花的。

25.victory won’t come to me unless i go to it.获胜是不可能向人们走过来的,我务必自身迈向获胜。

26.wish you an endless view to cheer your eyes, then one more story mount and higher rise.欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。

27.if you should put even a little on a little, and should do this often, soon this too would become big.杰出的事業是根据勤奋努力,一砖一瓦堆成的。



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