Categories: 经典语录


sir, youre no gentleman. and you miss are no lady.老先生,你可以真并不是个谦谦君子,小姐,你也不是什么优雅。—— 《gone with the wind 乱世佳人》

you know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. —— 你了解,有一些小鸟是决定不容易被关进囚牢里的,他们的每一片羽毛都闪烁着随意的辉煌。

【最in的英语口头禅】我了个去:holy crap;额滴神啊oh my god;我的天呐:jesus christ;牛了b了:freaking awesome;神马东西:what the hell;傻了吧唧:stupid ass;闭上嘴吧你:shut the fuck up;臭不要脸:youve got such a nerve;胡说八道:totally nonsense;我看行:it will work

dont take what life gives you and frown, take what life gives you and smile. cause you know you can make the best of it. —— 应对生活让你的一切,不必愁眉不展,要微笑面对,由于你知道,生活是可以过得更快的

trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met. —— 想忘记一个你爱的人,如同尝试去想到一个你从来没见过的人。

sweetheart,tired of playing outside and got hurt, just come back, i’m right here. —— 親愛的的,去玩累了,受伤了得话就回来吧,我都等你回来。

【morning~】love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜爱飞到哪里,就把快乐送到哪儿。

living here day by day…you think its the center of the world. then you’ve got to leave…a year, two years to see the outside world. 每日呆在这儿,会把这儿当做是全球。你得离去一阵子,看一看世界有多大

【经典对白】 it is absurd to divide people in to good and bad. people are either charming or tedious. 把人分为好的与坏的是荒诞的,人要不美丽动人,要不枯燥。—— 《温德米尔夫人的扇子》(lady windermeres fan)

【回望——《泰坦尼克号》经典对白】you jump, i jump.你跳,我便跟随跳;will you give us a chance to live? 能否给大家留一条生路?to make each day count;要让每一天都有一定的值;all life is a game of luck.生活原本就全靠运势

in the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair. —— 就算是最少的茅舍,对一对情侣而言都是有充分的室内空间。

because the things youre scared of are usually the most worthwhile.每日都试着去一件你担心的事儿,由于,你所担心的事儿,通常是最需要的。

learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace. 学好忽视,是通往本质宁静的一条大路 – robert j. sawyer

【唠叨的妈妈话】money does not grow on trees.钱又不是树枝长出来了的;dont put that in your mouth; you dont know where its been!别把不清楚哪来的物品放进口中!i brought you into this world and i can take you out !!我可以将你生出来,也可以将你弄没有了!!

【感悟人生】one thing i know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve. —— 有一点我是了解的:在你们当中,仅有那种想要寻找发觉怎样为他人服务项目的人,才算是真真正正幸福快乐的

【名言名句】you have freedom when you are easy in your harness. —— 在管束里能觉得轻松,那么你便是随意的了——robert frost

some people make your life better by walking into it while other people will make your life better by simply walking out of it——有的人走入你的生活,使你的人生更精彩纷呈;而有的人放弃你,是为了能使你过得更强!共3页,现阶段第1页123


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