Categories: 经典语录

悲伤的英文经典语录大全 said to me forever, forever not i will tomorrow. 你对我说永永远远,始终并不是我想的明日.

2.morgen, die zukunft, die sich zuerst? 明天 、将来 ,哪一个会先去?

3.我喜欢你并不是由于你是谁呀,反而是我还在你眼前可以到底是谁。 i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am with you.

4.这些刻在凳子后的感情,是否会像混凝土上的花瓣,给出沒有的风,孤独的山林. those on chair of love, would like the flowers of cement, open no wind, lonely forest.

5.习惯性这个东西很恐怖`尤其是如果你迫不得已应对变化的情况下。 habit this thing very terrible ,especially when you have to face when changed.

6.这些之前说着相伴永远的人,早早已撒落在天涯了。 those who used to say never separated, have scattered in the horizon.

7.我正在勤奋的向着这片不明的将来举足而去、从没停住 im working toward the slice of the unknown future step away, never stop

8.喜爱太阳是由于它很暖、暖到了心里、暖来到不知名的痛疼 like the sun because its warm, warm heart went to unknown pain

9.我并没有抽泣啊,仅仅忽然学会了想念罢了。 i didnt cry because it is over, but suddenly learned to miss it.

10.为什么损害隔着那麼远都能保证,而宽慰,却务必在身边才行呢? why damage across so far can do, and comfort, but must be in the side to just go?

11.实际上大家早该明白,这年代,在处对象这件事情眼前,谁都并不是善男信女。 actually, we should understand, this year, in love this matter before, who is not organized.

12.别要我度日如年的等待,直到那时候见到你也许我已经语尽词穷。 dont let me wait, wait until the widder then see you i am afraid ive language do word poor.

13.云在空中,被轻风剪下来,追忆或许美,但是已经飞走对不对。 cloud in mid-air, be breeze shear ground, memories maybe beauty, but they are flying away right.

14.我们走得比较慢,连幸福快乐都心急。 we walked slowly, even happiness are worried.

15.当有着早已是丧失,就英勇的舍弃。 when it has is lost, brave to give up.

16.黑云把太阳挡在背后,用心地,诠释着祭拜追忆的 沉迷。 dark clouds to the sun from the behind, meticulously, deducing memorial memories infatuateds.

17.我发现你一直住在我心里某一角落,拿着绝不逾期的凭据,变成永久性的住户. i found that you have lived in my heart a corner, take never outdated vouchers, become permanent residents.

18.大家的心里始终都是有一个不可告人的角落,不肯被别人揭起的疤痕。 it turned out that our heart is an unknown corner, dont want to be uncovered scars.

19.我们是那般的年青过。而大家也那般的淹没过。 we are all so young. and we also that sank.

20.无论过去的一年大家干了多少事,有多少理想化并未到达,都早已过去. in the past year we have done much, how many ideal has not arrived, is past.

21.时间是个隆重的玻璃器皿 ,一切事儿都能够被它不遗余力的收纳整理。 time is a big glass containers, anything can be it without reserve to receive.

22.经得住风吹雨打,却经不住普普通通;风吹雨打同船渡,睛天便分别散了。 withstand wind and rain, but cant afford to ordinary, rain and their respective ship, turn away.

23.讲好始终的,不知道如何就散了。 say forever, i do not know how to spread.



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