
  within you i lose myself, without you i find myself wanting to be lost again. –有了你,我迷失了自身。失去了你,我多么的希望自身再度迷失。

  今日你能是top of the world,第二日早已upside down. 轻轻松松点啦~

  每个人是一个君王, 在一个人的世界里横纵蛮横, 你不要听我的 ,但你也不必要我听你的 。 everyone is a king, in her own world freely defiant, you dont listen to me, but you dont let me listen to you.

  【幸福快乐五大标准】1. 心里无恨;2. 脑中安心; 3. 生活简易; 4. 多一些投入; 5. 少些希望。remember these simple guidelines for happiness: 1. free your heart from hate; 2. free your mind from worry; 3. live simply; 4. give more; 5. expect less.

  i know when to stop.i know when to let things go.i know when to move on. but “i know” is different from “i can”. – 我明白什么时候停步,什么时候放手,何时向前。可是,我“了解”不象征我“可以”。

  a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty./ 悲观的人从每一个机会中见到艰难,乐观主义者从每一个艰难中见到机会。

  没人可以回到从前从头开始,但谁都能够只待日逐渐,撰写一个全然不同的结果。nobody can go back and start a new begining, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

  if i have been able to see further, it was only because i stood on the shoulders of giants. letter to robert hooke 假如说我比他人看得更远些,那是由于站在了猿巨人的肩膀. ——牛頓

  staring today, i am going to do myself a favour. to forget about the burdens. to forget about the pains. to forget about the hurts. 从今开始,我想帮自身一个忙。卸掉压力。遗忘痛疼、平复外伤。

  服务承诺经常很像彩蝶,漂亮的飞回旋随后看不到 promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.

  the strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone. 这世界最强劲的人,便是这些能一个人孤独生活的人.

  非常容易犯囧的英语: ①sporting house 窑子(并不是体育文化室)②dead president 美元(并不是去世了的美国总统) ③ eleventh hour最后一刻(并不是十一点)④sweet water谈水(并不是红豆糖水或是甜水) ⑤confidence man骗人(并不是可以信赖的人)

  four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功秘诀便是四个最简单的字:多一点点。 (一切比他人多一点点!多一点勤奋,多一点自我约束,多一点实践活动,多一点玩命。多一点点就能实现梦想!)

  life can do not have a lot of things, but is not without hope. hope is human life is an important value. there is hope of place, life is endless. ———–人生道路可以沒有很多东西,却惟独不可以沒有希望。希望是人们生活的一项至关重要的使用价值。有希望之处,生命就源远流长。

  here are things that we dont want to happen but have to accept, things we dont want to know but have to learn. and people we cant live without but have to let go. – 有些事,不愿产生,却迫不得已接纳;有一些物品,不愿掌握,却迫不得已学习培训;有的人不可以丧失,却迫不得已放手。

  open beginning and had not only is a bundle of the two lines, open, also can have 开始与结束只不过一条线条的两边、 有逐渐、亦会出现完毕

  1).i love you not for who you are, but for who i am before you.- 我喜欢你并不是由于你是谁呀,反而是我还在你眼前可以到底是谁。 2).love makes man grow up or sink down.- 感情,要不令人完善,要不令人沉沦.。 3).love me little, love me long. -爱便宜亲密无间,而贵长期。共3页,现阶段第1页123

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